Attack with the fury of the school's student newspaper! This dual-type deck uses the Tartan Office storage to boost damage. Anna & Emily can be used to provide a critical boost, Isaac & Meela can be pulled out to quickly increase your item count, and Victory! makes the self-damage from the special items easier to handle.

Characters - 20
Base Set:
2 x Anna W. - Writing Major
3 x Daniel L. - Art Major
3 x Katie C. - Tartan Copy Manager
2 x Michael K. - Tartan Forum Writer
3 x Stacey C. - Chem Major
Activities Expansion:
1 x Michael K. - Tartan Editor-In-Chief
2 x Patrick K. - Tartan Artist
3 x Anna & Emily - Tartan Editors
1 x Isaac & Meela - Tartan Staffers

Tasks - 0

Events - 8
Base Set:
2 x Study Break
2 x Apple Picking
2 x Swimming
2 x Victory!

Items - 22
Basic Items:
2 x Chalk
2 x Chalkboard
2 x Marker
2 x Notebook
2 x Paper
2 x Pen
1 x Pencil
1 x Sketchbook
Base Set:
4 x Camera
Activities Expansion:
2 x Copy Cup
2 x Paper Bin

Storage - 4
4 x Tartan Office